Digital Strategy

Developing digital and technology-enabled strategies and solutions that drive growth in an ever-changing environment

The rate and volume of digital health and insurTech solutions are vastly accelerating due to the converging forces of a post-pandemic economy, changing consumer behavior, new levels of data processing, and an explosion of investor capital. Organizations can be overwhelmed by the prospect of making standalone digital improvements, but they also understand they have to intentionally combine legacy systems, human, and technological capabilities. By combining proven methodologies, data insights, assessment resources, and thought exercises, Third Horizon Strategies helps clients develop digital and technology-enabled strategies and solutions that drive growth in an ever-changing environment.

What We Do

Market Analysis

Explore the changing business dynamics of the health care and insurance industries through the digital health and insurTech landscape, including drivers, economic environment, and market-moving developments

Digital Strategy

Develop digital business strategy roadmap(s) to help layout the transformation plan, accountabilities, and metrics needed to ensure results

Technology Diligence

Support clients with market scans and due diligence of vendors for investments and partnerships

Project Strategic Guidance

Provide macro perspective to help clients in the warmup phase of project implementation to define success and make the case

Lead Contact

Cheryl Matochik

Managing Director for Market Analytics

Cheryl is a strategic growth leader and consultant pushing boundaries to fuel innovation in health care payment and incentive design. Cheryl has over 15 years' experience working across the employee benefits market and federal policy level to improve employer-based health care. Cheryl leads the firm's health care price transparency analytics and consulting practice areas and strategy, including securing new client engagements, organizing staff and resources, ensuring high-quality deliverables, and serving as a subject matter expert and thought leader.

Explore our other advisory services

Strategic Planning

Creating comprehensive strategic action plans that help organizations achieve goals and maximize potential

Market Analysis

Helping organizations understand key market trends and shift critical assets to shape a future system that actualizes a sustainable culture of health