Tea Leaves: July 2, 2024: DC News

The Supreme Court’s Chevron decision, which granted agencies flexibility in interpreting unclear statutes and allowed lawsuits challenging old regulations based on new claims of harm, is expected to spark numerous legal challenges against federal policies. This...

Tea Leaves: July 1, 2024: DC News

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine, which allowed federal agencies leeway in interpreting ambiguous laws, is expected to severely hinder the government’s ability to enforce public health regulations and could lead to a surge in...

Tea Leaves: January 8, 2024: D.C. News

Congressional leaders reached a bipartisan deal on Sunday setting a roughly $1.6 trillion federal spending level for the year, but the pact drew quick criticism from some conservatives, and it remains unclear whether lawmakers will be able to quickly pass legislation...

Friday, July 21, 2023: D.C. News

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chair, Senator Bernie Sanders, unveiled a legislative package Wednesday with billions in funding for community health centers and training of primary care doctors and other clinicians. The Primary Care and...

Wednesday, July 19, 2023: D.C. News

The White House plans to impose a 10-year funding ban on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab at the center of the COVID-19 origins debate, according to a government memo and an official familiar with the issue. The memo, written by an official at the Department...