Market Analytics

Unlocking insights from new payer and provider pricing records, along with other data sets, to drive market efficiency and a transparent, patient-centric health care ecosystem

Though ancient, Heraclitus’ adage “the only constant in life is change” perfectly captures just how quickly the health care landscape is changing. With change, comes a plethora of questions. Third Horizon Strategies works with clients to provide the answers. The firm focuses on the confluence of key market trends and signals that indicate how the health system is currently functioning and how it will operate in the future. Through sophisticated qualitative and quantitative assessments – including robust analyses, environmental scans, in-depth interviews with industry experts, comprehensive reviews of an organization’s current assets and resources, and literature reviews – the firm helps organizations clarify their position in the market, identify opportunities for growth, and shift the way key assets are managed and deployed to shape a future system that actualizes a sustainable culture of health.

What We Do

Custom Benchmarking Reports

Custom reports of reimbursement rates based on the specific geographies, plans, service codes, and providers that clients are interested in comparing and contrasting against the market to understand positioning 

Reporting and Analytics Applications

Bespoke builds of portal and web applications to provide ongoing commercial reimbursement benchmarking intelligence in specific operating market(s

Network Modeling Tool

A ready-to-use tool that provides granular insight into what network and steerage strategies are the best fit for an employer overall and in a geography. Used for plan design, network selection, direct contracting, and more 

Advisory Projects

Advisory services to help innovative organizations develop and implement cost containment solutions and alternative payment and value-based care models 

Lead Contact

Cheryl Matochik

Managing Director for Market Analytics

Cheryl is a strategic growth leader and consultant pushing boundaries to fuel innovation in health care payment and incentive design. Cheryl has over 15 years' experience working across the employee benefits market and federal policy level to improve employer-based health care. Cheryl leads the firm's health care price transparency analytics and consulting practice areas and strategy, including securing new client engagements, organizing staff and resources, ensuring high-quality deliverables, and serving as a subject matter expert and thought leader.

Explore our other advisory areas

Behavioral Health

Enhancing behavioral health prevention, treatment, and recovery systems of care to improve access and quality

Community Health

Advancing the vitality of all communities through digital and person-centered solutions to strengthen health and social services

Payment Design

Designing incentive structures to strengthen capacity, increase efficiency, and support high-quality care for individuals, families, and communities

Workplace Well-being

Empowering organizations and their people with services and tools to navigate work and life in the healthiest way possible